Press Release – 5th August 2021
A section of the media and social media have associated Ponte Ferries’ excuse, for not commencing their service to Sicily, with Virtu Ferries.
Ponte Ferries have once again had to delay their ferry service, no doubt causing their clients much angst. This time they are seeking to conceal from their responsibility by seeking to shift the blame on Virtu Ferries, alleging that we have made a last-minute legal challenge.
Virtu Ferries made no such, or indeed any other, challenge.
Like Ponte Ferries, we applied for berthing facilities at the Port of Augusta. Our respective applications take time to be considered, and neither has yet been approved. Mindful of time required and unlike our competitors we refrained from selling tickets for this route, and we will not sell until such time as our permit is approved. In contrast, our competitors have, since 23rd June, been selling tickets to the public in the knowledge that they were not in a position to guarantee the service they were selling.
Ponte Ferries should not have sold, and should not be selling, tickets; it is this conduct that has caused their latest predicament and, more importantly, their clients’ distress and delusion.
Ponte Ferries are aware that to date they have not obtained the necessary permits to operate a high-speed passenger service between Malta and Sicily.